Friday 12 April 2013

Asian Adventure - Part 4 - Macau

From Hong Kong I went to another of China's special administrative regions; Macau - the Vegas of Asia.
I met up with my local host Vanessa then we set off on our one day tour of Macau, first stop; the main square:

...which looked surprisingly European, the Portuguese had clearly left their mark, not only with the streets and buildings but also with their religion:

However, this entrance way is all that is left of one of the colleges that once stood here, there are still plenty of churches around though.
Next we went to try some 'local food'; egg tart, which turned out to be egg custard at an area called Coloane where we could look over the water to China:

Getting around by foot is always a bit slow so we decided to hire a bike... wasn't exactly ideal for hills though!
We took a trip to the beach:

...where there a permanent barbecues, and tables for enjoying some good food by the sea.
Next stop was the Taipa area where the casinos start appearing:

In the evening we enjoyed traditional hot pot where you cook the food yourself:

Then we went to a roof top bar to enjoy the view:

In the morning I took a strole around the Macau area and wondered around a local park:

Macau was so different to Hong Kong even though it was so close. It felt like it had more tradition and history, it didn't seem so crowded, but it did seem like a gamblers paradise and I think a day and a half was enough time to explore the country.

Next stop 'The Border'...

I entered the huge building from the Macau side. It was full of people waiting for their passports to be checked and among all the faces in there I didn't see a single Caucasian person! It didn't take long to pass through the two sets of border control and I was in to China!

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