Wednesday 1 May 2013

Asian Adventure - Part 9 - Singapore

Arriving in Singapore was so easy. The transport system takes you any where you want to go so when I got off the plane I simply need to hop on the MRT to see my friends Ceallach and Craig who I used to play Shinty with at uni.
In the morning my first task was to find Kaya Toast for breakfast as suggested by my Singaporean friend Thomas. I successfully located some and the coconut spread on toast was delicious. After fueling up for the day I went out to explore and buy my ticket for the sight seeing bus tour:

We went past some impressive buildings along the way:

My first point for getting off was Clark Quay to take the River Cruise:

The best sight on the cruise was the famous Merlion; half lion, half fish; now a symbol of Singapore:

After my cruise I took a trip to Chinatown:

I still never get tired of these little market streets!
I visited a Hindu temple...

...and saw the Buddhist tooth relic temple:

...where the monks were really enjoying themselves:

After lunch I took the bus tour to the botanical gardens:

It was incredible just how big some of the leaves were, how tall the trees were and how enormous the lily pads were:

In the evening I got chance to see Ceallach and Craig and go out for dinner. er our delicious meal they took me to to Marina Bay to see the water show...

...and the lights of the harbor:

On day two I set out to go to the Gardens by the bay:

It was incredibly hot but the view was impressive and I enjoyed the walkway:

When it was to hot to walk around any longer I went back to the sightseeing bus and saw some more of the city before wandering through some markets and having a relaxed couple of hours before my trip to Indonesia.

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