Monday 4 March 2013


After my second winter season I had decided it was time to take my ski instructor qualifications so I flew out to Vancouver in April 2012 to take my level 1 CSIA exam...

and my level 2 CSIA exam so I celebrated passing by doing my first bungy!

After the skiing I went to Goats Pride, Abbotsford, BC to live and work on the goat farm and in the dairy for two weeks through the WWOOF Organisation ( If you've never done it, try it!

I also met other WWOOFers on the farm from Germany, Japan, Canada and Israel.

We visited and made friends with some of the other locals too:

After Abbotsford I went on to Fort Langley where I stayed with the Rawstrons who kept horses and chickens. Not forgetting the cat and dogs:

It was a beautiful place to stay and they were such nice people.

My short trip to BC Canada only left me wanting to see more but that will have to wait until another time, I had a flight to New Zealand to catch!

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