Monday 4 March 2013

Finland - Resort Representative

After being a rep in Italy my next ski season couldn't come quick enough. I spent the summer managing a bar back home in The Lakes but by the time winter came I was ready to get my ski boots back on! In November I was told I would be working in Slovenia for the winter so at the start of December I traveled to London again with my belongings. This time we took a coach to St. Johann, Austria for training:

At the start of the winter season they have Krampus where all the devils come down from the mountains:

At the end of training my manager, another rep and I traveled to Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.

There was a severe lack of snow but after only a day there I was called and asked to to Finland to work for the season :)
This meant three trains back to St. Johann, a drive to Munich, a flight to London, and finally a flight to Finland. It was a long trip but I got there and was greeted by the two other reps I would be working with and who else but Santa!

Italy had been good but Finland was something else. It was freezing but there was snow...




 and Santa and I was definitely happy!

If visiting Santa wasn't enough I also got to go inside the arctic circle.

We made our way to Pyha for a day of skiing and on the way there we hit this temperature.....

The end of the season came far to quick and it was soon spring again.

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